Adozione legittimante con mantenimento dei legami con la famiglia di origine del minore: la parola alla Corte costituzionale (nota a Cass. civ., sez. I, ord. 5 gennaio 2023, n. 230)

Di Lavinia Vizzoni -
The paper deals with decision no. 230 of January 5th, 2023, of the Italian Court of Cassation. The decision raises a question of constitutionality about Article 27, 3° c, Law 184/193, which provides that the “full” adoption of the minor produces, as an automatic effect, the interruption of relations with the family of origin. The case law of recent years, in an attempt to adapt to social changes, and especially to new parenting models, has produced solutions that are not particularly attentive to the systematic side of the adoption institution. In particular, the so-called “open adoption” grafts onto full adoption the characteristic, peculiar to the adoption in special cases, of mai. . .